# Segway API-E-bike C80

Welcome to the Segway API of Gateway. This API reference provides information on available endpoints and how to interact with them. Using the Segway API of Gateway, you can integrate vehicle data and control into your applications.
The API uses JSON formatted requests and responses.

Note1: please request the relevant domian according to the first letter of your platformcode

platformCode region domain
A***** apac https://apac-api.segwaydiscovery.com
E***** europe https://eu-api.segwaydiscovery.com
U***** americas https://us-api.segwaydiscovery.com
C***** china https://cn-api.segwaydiscovery.com

# Auth

# request token common for all models

The access_token is the globally unique credential for calling APIs, and needs to be updatad periodically. The validity period of access_token is expressed in the returned expires_in, and its available value is within 86400 seconds. Your server needs to updata access_token in advance based on this validity period. During the updata, it may continue to output old access_token values. In this case, the SEGWAY backend will ensure that both new and old access_token values are available within 300 seconds(expires_in≤300), so that third-party services are smoothly transitioned.



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/oauth/token \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=A20081' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=e2651be5-12d3-48f3-ba6c-bc2b04a447b6' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


field type description
client_id String get from business system
client_secret String get from business system
grant_type String allowed: "client_credentials"


field type description
access_token String token
token_type String allowed values: "bearer"
expires_in Int expiration duration seconds.
scope String scope.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "access_token": "83efe135-8203-404c-b489-b5fbf8050d3d",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 43199,
    "scope": "read write trust"


1.0 HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    "error": "invalid_client",
    "error_description": "Bad client credentials"

# Query

# get current status common for all models

This API is used to obtain the realtime status information.



curl -X GET \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/mebike/query/current/status?iotCode=861477038719116 \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415'


field type description
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
online Boolean true→ connected to SEGWAY Cloud. false→ disconnected
locked Boolean true→ lock. false→ unlock
lockVoltage Number lock voltage, unit/mV
networkSignal Number network signal. range: 2-32. 2 shows the signal is weakest, 32 shows the signal is strongest.
charging Boolean true→charging. false→ no charging
powerPercent Number battery percentage, 80->80%.
speedMode Number speed mode (1: low speed; 2: medium speed; 3: high speed
speed Number current speed
odometer Number total odometer (unit is 1m, so 1230 means 1.23km)
remainingRange Number remaining range (unit is 10m, so 1230 means 12.3km)
totalRidingSecs Number total riding seconds.
statusUtcTime Number timestamp
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": {
        "iotCode": "{iotCode}",
        "online": true,
        "locked": true,
        "lockVoltage": 342,
        "networkSignal": 22,
        "charging": true,
        "powerPercent": 10,
        "speedMode": 1,
        "speed": 20,
        "odometer": 9000,
        "remainderRange": 3000,
        "totalRidingSecs": 110,
        "statusUtcTime": 1591067719
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# get current location common for all models

This API is used to obtain the location information.



curl -X GET \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/query/current/location?iotCode=861477038719116 \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415'


field type description
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
realTimeLocation(optional) Boolean true-> will get real time location information


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
latitude Double latitude (WGS84).
longitude Double longitude (WGS84).
satelliteNumber Number gps satellite Number.
hdop Number gps hdop, more lower is the value, the higher is the accuracy.
altitude Number altitude (height from sea level), Unit Meter
gpsUtcTime Number timestamp
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": {
        "iotCode": "{iotCode}",
        "latitude": 22.634228,
        "longitude": 114.125962,
        "satelliteNumber": 6,
        "hdop": 1.38,
        "altitude": 10.1,
        "gpsUtcTime": "1591067719"
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15400 latest location not found via device
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# get battery Info

This API is used to get the vehicle battery information.



curl -X GET \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/mopeds/query/current/battery-info?iotCode=861477038719116 \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415'


field type description
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
charging Boolean true→charging. false→ no charging
vehiclePercent Number battery percent, unit:80->80%
batteryCount Number count: 1~3
drivingVoltage Number unit: 80->80V
currentPower Number current power of vehicle, unit: W
iotPercent Number iot battery percent, unit:80->80%
iotVoltage Number current voltage of IoT: 411->4.11V
batteryData list Object list: 'battery data'

attached:'battery data'

field type description
batteryPort Number allowed: 1,2,3
batteryPercent Number batterypercent, unit/80->80%
batteryVoltage Number battery voltage,40->40V
cycleTimes Number cycleTimes
temperatrue Number temperatrue1, unit/℃
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	"code": 0,
	"msg": "success",
	"data": {
		"iotCode": "{iotCode}",
		"charging": true,
		"vehiclePercent": 80,
		"batteryCount": 2,
		"drivingVoltage": 80,
		"currentPower": 260,
		"iotPercent": 100,
		"iotVoltage": 412,
		"batteryData": [{
				"batteryPort": 1,
                "batteryPercent": 52,
                "batteryVoltage": 48,
				"cycleTimes": 23,
				"temperatrue": 25
	"t": 1593333694412,
	"resId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "resId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# get bluetooth key common for all models

This API is used to get IoT's bluetooth key



curl -X GET \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/query/current/bluetooth-key?iotCode=861477038719116 \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415'


field type description
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
key String 8 digit letters and Numbers. eg:'abcd1234'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": {
        "iotCode": "{iotCode}",
        "key": "abcd1234"
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15400 latest location not found via device
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# Control

# unlock common for all models

This API is used to unlock the vehicle



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/control/unlock \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "iotCode" : 861477038719116


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593331167570,
    "opId": "d5aa020d-77ae-439c-892c-a781c71eb836"



sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
10 15611 device unlock command failed
11 15612 device unlock failed: network error
12 15990 API call is restricted, please contact Segway related personnel
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# lock common for all models

This API is used to lock the vehicle



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/control/lock \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "iotCode" : 861477038719116


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
10 15600 lock failed: vehicle is riding
11 15601 device lock command failed
12 15602 device lock failed: network error
13 15603 handlebar lock failed
13 15996 device lock failed: denied by geofence strategy
14 15997 device lock failed: unable to lock while riding
15 15990 API call is restricted, please contact Segway related personnel
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# battery component

This API is used to open the battery components while in unlocking.



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/control/battery-cover  \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "iotCode" :  "861477038719116"


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String iot imei


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
10 15635 open failed: please operate when mopeds is unlocking
11 15638 device execute failure
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# sound common for all models

This API is used to sound the vehicle.



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/control/sound \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "iotCode" : 861477038719116,
    "controlType" : 3


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
controlType String 2→vehicle finding.


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# Setting

# switch setting

This API is used to turn on or off the switch.



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/mopeds/setting/switch \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{



field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
alertSensitivity(optional) Number strength range: 1-3
lowPowerValue(optional) Number Mopeds will upload the prompt if the vehicle percent is less than lowPowerValue
range: 10-30 default:10


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# switch enable

This API is used to enable or disable the switch of mopeds.



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/mopeds/setting/able-switch \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{



field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
assistedMode(optional) Number Power-assisted manual push mode switch
0→ no setting 1→off. 2→on
kickstandCheck(optional) Number 0→ no setting 1→off. 2→on
lowPowerSwitch(optional) Number 0→ no setting 1→off. 2→on


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# atmosphere lamp setting

This API is used to set relevant parameters of the vehicles.



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/setting/ambient \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "bright": 1,
    "readyMode": {
        "mode": 2,
        "color": 1
    "parkingMode": {
        "mode": 2,
        "color": 3


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
brightrequired Number Common atmosphere lamp brightness of each mode.
1:Low 2:Medium 3:High
parkingModerequired Object An object that indicates the atmosphere lamp effect
cruiseMode(optional) Object An object that indicates the atmosphere lamp effect
readyMode(optional) Object An object that indicates the atmosphere lamp effect
faultMode(optional) Object An object that indicates the atmosphere lamp effect


field type description
mode Number 1:Off 2:Always on
color Number 1:Green 2:Red 3:Orange 4:Blue 5:Cyan 6:Violet 7:White


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# sound setting

This API is used to set relevant parameters of the vehicle.



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/setting/sound \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "iotCode": "861477038719116",


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
workMode Number used to set the device sound
0 →no setting, 1→off, 2→on
volume(optional) Number Volume (1-3): 1 is the smallest and 3 is largest.
ebcqMask(optional) Object An object to indicate whether it's on or off for each sound of the vehicle.
Each element in the object indicates a certain sound.


field type description
unlocked (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
locked (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
openBoxes (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
toot (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
kickstand (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
gearUp (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
gearDown (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
enterCruise (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
exitCruise (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
set (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original
batteryInserted (optional) Number 0:disable 1:enable 2:keep original


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# bluetooth key common for all models

This API is used to set IoT's bluetooth key



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/setting/bluetooth-key \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "iotCode": 861477038719116,
    "key": "4BKNwi77"


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
key String 8 digit letters and Numbers. eg 'abcd1234'


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# upload interval

This API is used to set the upload interval of status and location



curl -X POST \
https://api_domain:port/api/v2/vehicle/setting/interval \
--header 'Authorization: bearer f3bbd782-04c7-42e5-bed9-524cde3eb415' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/json"
Authorization String allowed: "bearer access_token"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
locationInterval Object request data
statusInterval Object request data


field type description
unlockStatus Number interval range: 10-65535
lockStatus Number interval range: 10-65535


field type description
ridingStatus Number interval range: 10-65535
nonRiding Number interval range: 10-65535
lockStatus Number interval range: 10-65535


field type description
code Number status code
msg String messages
data Object response data
t Number timestamp
opId String operation Id
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333983900,
    "opId": "bf84e6aa-8787-4b2d-8461-e91aba35b07e"


sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15004 parameter error
3 15001 server error
4 15102 device not found
5 15300 inactive device
6 15301 offline device
7 15302 device response timeout
8 15303 command send failed
9 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
10 15707 NOT supported by this vehicle or its firmware
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code": 15302,
    "msg": "device response timeout",
    "data": null,
    "t": 1593333694412,
    "opId": "3de041d2-7f1e-4cb2-a7be-483378727c56"

# Push

If your server has received any one of the following types of pushes and successfully processes it, please return an HTTP response code of 200. Otherwise, our server will retry in 5 seconds, this retry will only be done once.

signature generation algorithm
Note: All received parameters except signature are involved in the verification process.
Step 1: If the received data is a String, use “&” and “=” to split the String into several key-value pairs. If the received data is an array, dict, or similar data type, continue as usual and order the received key-value pairs sequentially by ASCII.
Step 2: Convert the sorted dict back into a String in “key1=value1&key2=value2” form.
Step 3: Append “&client_secret=” to the String created during step 2.
Step 4: Use MD5 to calculate the hash value (finally converted into 32-bit hexadecimal characters) of the String created during step 3. The newly calculated value is your digital signature.
Next, compare this value with your signature. If they are the same, the signature verification was successful. • When performing signature verification, do not enumerate the signature fields according to the port documentation list.
All received parameters except signature are involved in the verification process. When performing signature verification, do not enumerate the signature fields according to the port documentation list. This will cause use many problems if new fields are created.

# vehicle alert common for all models

This API should be exposed by your application system to receive the vehicle’s alerts.



curl -X POST \
-header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-data 'iotCode={iotCode}&platformCode={platformCode}&statusUtcTime={tinmstamp}&code={code}'


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
platformCode String client_id
statusUtcTime Number timestamp
alertStatus Number 0→ appearing. 1->disappeared
code Number available appearing alert code:
1->illegal moving.
2->vehicle fell down when locked.
3 ->illegal dismantling.
4->vehicle fell down when unlocked.
12->low power

available disappeared alert code:
1->illegal moving.
2->vehicle fell down.
3->illegal dismantling.
12->low power
signature String more info


field type description
message(optional) String -
code Number allowed: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        “code”: 0

# vehicle fault common for all models

This API should be exposed by your application system to receive the vehicle’s fault codes



curl -X POST \
https://business:port/v2/vehicle/fault \
-header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-data 'iotCode={iotCode}&platformCode={platformCode}&statusUtcTime={tinmstamp}&faultStatus={disappered}&code={code}'


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
platformCode String client_id
statusUtcTime Number timestamp
faultStatus Number 0→ appearing. 1->disappeared
code Number fault code
signature String more info


field type description
message(optional) String -
code Number allowed: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        “code”: 0

# vehicle location common for all models

This API should be exposed by your application system to receive the vehicle's location. When the vehicle is unlocked, its location will be pushed once every 10 seconds. When the scooter is locked, its location will be pushed every 900 seconds.



curl -X POST \
https://business:port/v2/vehicle/location \
-header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-data 'iotCode={iotCode}&platformCode={platformCode}&locationStatus={valid}&latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}&satelliteNumber={satelliteNumber}&hdop={hdop}&altitude={altitude}&gpsUtcTime={gpsUtcTime}'


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
platformCode String client_id
locationStatus String allowed: 'invalid' and 'valid'
latitude Double latitude (WGS84).
longitude Double longitude (WGS84).
satelliteNumber Number longitude (WGS84).
hdop Number gps hdop, more lower is the value, the higher is the accuracy.
altitude Number altitude (height from sea level), Unit Meter
gpsUtcTime Number timestamp
signatrue String ---


field type description
message(optional) String -
code Number allowed: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        “code”: 0

# vehicle status common for all models

This API should be exposed by your application system to receive the changes of the vehicle's status. When the vehicle is riding, its status will be pushed once every 10 seconds.



curl -X POST \
https://business:port/v2/vehicle/status \
-header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-data 'iotCode={iotCode}&platformCode={platformCode}&signature={signature}&online={online}&locked={locked} \
&lockVoltage={lockVoltage}&networkSignal={networkSignal}&charging={charging}&powerPercent={powerPercent} \
&speed={speed}&odometer={odometer}&remainderRange={remainderRange}&totalRidingSecs={totalRidingSecs} \


field type description
Content-Type String allowed: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"


field type description
iotCode String IoT IMEI
platformCode String client_id
online Boolean true→ connected to SEGWAY Cloud. false→ disconnected
locked Boolean true→ lock. false->unlock
lockVoltage Number lock voltage, 412->4.12V
networkSignal Number network signal. range: 2-32. 2 shows the signal is weakest, 32 shows the signal is strongest.
charging Boolean true→charging. false→ no charging
powerPercent Number battery percentage, 80->80%.
speed Number vehicle current speed.
odometer Number total odometer (unit is 1m, so 1230 means 1.23km
remainingRange Number remaining range (unit is 10m, so 1230 means 12.3km
totalRidingSecs Number total riding seconds.
statusUtcTime Number get vehicle status info's UTC time.
signature String more info


field type description
message(optional) String -
code Number allowed: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        “code”: 0

# Appendix 1:Status code description

sn code error
1 15101 token verification failed
2 15100 incorrect platform info
3 15004 parameter error
4 15001 server error
5 15102 device not found
6 15300 inactive device
7 15301 offline device
8 15302 device response timeout
9 15303 command send failed
10 15400 latest location not found via device
11 15500 device upgrading: command can not be executed
12 15600 lock failed: vehicle is riding
13 15601 device lock command failed
14 15602 device lock failed: network error
15 15611 device unlock command failed
16 15612 device unlock failed: network error